Monday, June 7, 2010


Débora also tried one of our recipes and adapted to her desire and necessity. She was inspired by the banana chocolate cake to create her gluten free version. She said it worked too well!

Who tried: Débora

Photo by Débora

"Um belo dia, visitando o blog Chocorango, da Talita, me deparei com esta foto:

A partir daí minha nova meta era transformar esse bolo-lindo-maravilhoso-e-com-certeza-gostoso na versão gluten-lacto-free. E saiu isso:"

"E como esperado, ficou fofinho, macio, desmanchando na boca e não durou quase nada! Valeu Talita!"

Photo by Débora


  1. Such an awesome trial! Keep it up. I think everybody started loving your recipes, sweetie. Congrats! Hope you're having a great day!
    Cheers, Kristy


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